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The Poetry of Non-Self | A Short animated film
“The Poetry of Non-Self” is a short animation film that deals with moments that hold beauty, from which the sense of self is absent. It portrays the notion that this is, in a way, what childhood is like - a beautiful, moonstruck stare, which is lived moment by moment and passes in a blink of an eye. The film animates a text that deals with those matters, showing the hero's mental experience while staring inside a boiling pot in his kitchen.
Festivals and Exhibitions
Special Mention Award - Weimar Poetry Film Festival, Germany
Audience Award - Icona Film Festival
Festival Opener - Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany
Official Selection - Animest Festival, Bucharest, Romania
Official Selection - Filmfest Dresden, Germany
Official Selection - Cardiff Animation Festival, England
Official Selection - Kinoproba Festival, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Official Selection - ‘Assif’ Festival, Cinemateque Tel-Aviv
‘No Entrance’, 3x3 Gallery, Edmond the Rothschild Center, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Material Memory, Lod Mosaic Museum, Lod, Israel
‘Barbur Pop-Up’, Barbur House, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
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